You Are My Home Quotes
You Are My Home Quotes: Home is a very special place in your life; it’s where you want to be after a tiresome day at work or school. It’s a place we all miss and love to be. It’s a place we feel comfortable in.
The good thing home is not all about the building or walls of a house. It can also be found in a person.
Today we are going to look at you Are My Home Quotes. Feel free to express the way you feel to the person you love.
You Are My Home Quotes
Find You Are My Home Quotes below
1. When I am with you, I am home, and I feel relaxed. I love you.
2. Without you, I am incomplete; you are the other half of me.
3. Every single day, I want to be with you, you are my home you are my everything
4. My life would be worthless without you. You are my world and home. I love you.
5. With you in my arms, I am home
6. When I look at you I feel at home.
7. When I am lost you are my lamp that guides me home. I love you.
8. If love begins at home you are my home.
9. I love coming to you, you are my home
10. You are my safest place to be because you are my home.
11. You are my home; when am with you I feel jovial and relaxed.
12. I feel complete with you, you are my home, and you are my heart’s desire.
13. When I look at you, your smile and beauty tell it all. It’s where I find love and comfort. You are my home.
14. Wherever you go, I will go because you are my home.
Read: You Make Me Happy Quotes
You’re My Home Quotes
15. When I think of home, I don’t just think of a place, I think of you.
16. I always love coming home as you are my home.
17. You are my one and only love, I can never leave you because you are my home.
18. In your arms I feel at home, don’t want to lose you
19. When I am not with you, I feel homesick; I miss you so much because you are my home
20. You are my home, the place where I find the peace and freedom I need.
21. I am not feeling good, I always run to you because you are my home
22. The place I find peace is in you because you are my home
23. You are my life, you are my love, and how can I leave you when you are my home
24. Every morning when I wake up I cannot stop thinking about you, when I go to sleep, the last thing I do is think about you, because you are my home.
25. My love, I am into you, this makes me feel you are more like my home
26. When I am with the person I love, I am at home.
27. I have found the person who makes me feel at home, I love you, my sweetheart.
28. When you are around, I am at my best because you are my home.
Quotes About Home
29. Home is where I love to be
30. It feels magical being at home
31. Home is where our love is built
32. Home is a feeling not a place
33. A home is made of dreams and hopes
34. I feel at home when I am with you.
35. The best place to be is at home
36. Home is where one starts from
37. Home is the safest place to be and I love to be there.
You are my Home
I feel so happy that you are here with me; you know you are my home.
You are my destiny, my inspiration, you are my home
You are my adventure, my world, you are my home.
My love, there is nothing in this world that makes me happy as you do; you are my home and my world. I want to stay in your arms.
Darling, I want to let you know that you are in charge of my heart. You are the driver of my heart. When I am with you I feel at home.
My heart yearns for your love, you are everything to me. Your thoughts are all about you; my body craves your touch. I am so happy to have you in my life; you are my rock, my protector, and my home. I love you.
These past few months have been my best all because you give me strength, you are my rock and the love of my life. You are my home.
Darling, I have just realized no matter what, you are the one who gives me strength and comfort. You keep me going and always doing my best. You are my home.
Seeing you after a long day of stress and work challenges, helped me regain my energy. Thank you for agreeing to see me. You are my home and I dearly love you.
There is no single day I’ll ever leave my home for you are my home. I love you.
I don’t need to go home; I am already at home for you are my home.
I always find a safe place in you, every time I want to be close to you. You are my home
Our story begins within our hearts which is our home.
It feels good being with you, just the way it feels good being at home. My home is where you are my love.
Home is where we find hope, love, and dreams. I found my home in you.
The magic of being at home is amazing. My home is you!
You are my home, where my dreams come to reality, you are where I find my peace, you are my world, and each day I want to wake up beside you.
Just like the sun shines during the day, just like the moon shines during the night, you are my eternal flame. My home is with you
The good thing about home is that you feel good when you come back home. That’s why I always feel good when I meet you because you are my home.