Words to Describe the Perfect Man

Words to Describe the Perfect Man

Words to Describe the Perfect Man: The simplest way of finding the perfect word to describe your man is by knowing who he is. When you already know who he is you will be able to find a list of words that apply to him.

His looks also can determine his character. The way they dress and more.

When it comes to talking about a Man, women find it difficult when searching for descriptive words for a man. Depending on the context, these words can be used by any person.

Today we are going to look at Words to Describe the Perfect Man

Words to Describe the Perfect Man

A Player















comfy to be around








Deep Eyes











Good Friend.

Good Guy

Good sense of Style



Hard Working











Nice accent

Nice Smile
































Well Spoken


Read: Words to Describe Love for Him

Words to Describe a Good Man




Good friend










Perfect Man Synonyms

Right Man

Perfect Human

Perfect Guy

Ideal Man

Perfect Husband

Mr. Right

Best Man

Right Guy

Right One

Of The Perfect Man

Perfect Person

Appropriate Guy

Perfect Gentleman

Finest Man

Proper Man

Dream Man

Ideal Person

Perfect Mate

Right Husband

Perfect One

Whole of Man

Complete Man

Entire Human Being

Positive Adjectives About Men

Abiding, Able, Able-bodied, Aboveboard, Abundant, Accelerated, Accepting, Accessible, Accommodating,  Accommodative, Accomplished, Accordant, Accountable, Accurate, Achieving, Acknowledged, Acknowledging, Active, Actual, Acuminous, Adaptable, Adapted, Adapting, Adaptive, Adept, Admirable, Admired, Adonic, Adorable, Adoring, Adroit, Advanced, Advantaged, Advantageous, Adventuresome, Adventurous, Advocative, Affable, Affectionate, Affective, Affiliated, Affined, Affirming, Afflated, Affluent, Agile, Agreeable, Alacritous, Alert, All heart, All right, All set, All systems go, All there, Allegiant, Allied, Allowing, Alluring, Altruistic, Alright, Amative, Amatory, Amazing, Ambitious, Amenable, Amiable, Amicable, Amoroso Ample, Amusing, Aphrodisiacal, Apollonian, Appealing, Apposite, Appreciated, Appreciative, Approachable, Appropriate, Approving, Apropos, Apt, Ardent, Argus-eyed, Aristocratic, Arousing, Arresting, Artful, Articulate, Artisanal, Ascending, Assertive, Assiduous, Assistive, Associated, Associative, Assured, Assuring, Astute, At ease, At hand, At leisure, At one’s disposal, At the ready, Attentive, Attractive, Au fait, Autodidactic Athletic, Attractive, Atypical, August, Auspicious, Authentic, Authoritative, Autonomous, Available, Avid, Awaited, Aware, Awesome, Axiological

Balanced, Baronial, Becoming, Beefy, Believable, Beloved, Benefic, Beneficent, Beneficial, Benevolent, Benignant, Better, Better-than-before, Best, Best-loved, Beyond compare, Big, Big league, Big-hearted, Big-time, Blameless, Blazing, Blessed, Bold, Bonafide, Boss, Bounteous, Bountiful, Brainy, Brave, Brawny, Brief, Bright, Brilliant, Brimming, Brisk, Broadminded, Brotherly, Bullish, Buoyant, Business-like, Busy

Calm, Calming, Calmative, Can do, Canny, Capable, Capital, Captivating, Cared for, Carefree, Careful, Caring, Caretaking, Casual, Categorical, Causal, Causative, Centered, Central, Cerebral, Certain, Champion, Changeable, Changeless, Charismatic, Charitable, Charmed, Charming, Cheerful, Cherished, Cherishing, Cherry, Chief, Chipper, Chivalrous, Choice, Choicest, Chummy, Civic, Civil, Civilized, Classic, Classical, Classy, Clean, Clear, Clear-cut, Clear-eyed, Clearheaded, Clear-sighted, Clement, Clever, Climactic, Close, Cogent, Cognizant, Coherent, Cohortative, Collaborative, Collected, Collegial, Colourful, Come-at-able, Comfortable, Comforting, Comical, Commanding, Commendable, Commendatory, Commending, Commiserative, Committed, Commodious, Commonsensical, Communicative, Commutual, Companionable, Compassionate, Compatible, Compelling, Competent, Complete, Completed, Complimentary, Composed, Comprehensive, Concentrated, Conciliatory, Concise, Conclusive, Concordant, Concrete, Condolatory, Conferrable, Confident, Confirmed, Congenial, Connected, Conquering, Conscientious, Conscious, Consensual, Consentaneous, Consentient, Consequential, Considerable, Considerate, Consistent, Consonant, Constructive, Contemplative, Contemporary,  Content, Contributive, Convenient, Conversant, Convictive, Convincing, Convivial, Cooking with gas, Cool, Cooperative, Coordinated, Copacetic, Cordial, Correct, Correlative, Courageous, Courteous, Courtly, Cozy, Crack, Crackerjack, Creative, Credential, Credible, Creditable, Credited, Crowd-pleasing, Crucial, Crystal (Clear), Cuddly, Culminating, Cultivated, Cultivating, Cultured, Cunning, Curative, Curious, Current, Cute

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Daring, Dashing, Dauntless, Dazzling, Dear, Dearest, Debonair, Decent, Decisive, Decorous, Dedicated, Deductive, Deep, Definite, Definitive, Deft, Delectable, Deliberate, Deluxe, Democratic, Demonstrative,  Dependable, Desired, Desirable, Destined, Determinant, Determined, Developed, Devoted, Devout, Dexterous, Dialectical, Didactic, Diehard, Different, Dignified, Diligent, Diplomatic, Direct, Disarming, Discerning, Disciplined, Discreet, Discrete, Discriminating, Distinct, Distinctive, Distinguished, Distinguishing, Diverse, Diverting, Dominant, Doted on, Doting, Doubtless, Doughty, Down-to-earth, Dreamy, Driven, Driving, Durable, Dutiful, Dynamic, Dynamite


Eager, Earnest, Earthy, Easy, Easygoing, Easy to approach, Easy to reach, Easy to talk to, Easy to understand, Economical, Edified, Edifying, Educated, Educational, Effective, Effectual, Efficacious, Efficient, Effortless, Elating, Electric, Electrifying, Eleemosynary, Eleutherian, Elevated, Elevating, Eligible, Eloquent, Emerging, Eminent, Empathetic, Employed, Empowered, Empowering, Enabling, Enamouring, Enchanting, Encouraging, Endearing, Endeavouring, Endorsing, Endowed, Enduring, Energetic, Energizing, Engaged, Engaging, Enhanced, Enjoyable, Enjoyed, Enlightened, Enlightening, Enlivened, Enlivening, Ennobled, Ennobling, Enriched, Enriching, Ensured, Ensuring, Enterprising, Entertaining, Enthusiastic,  Enthralling, Enticed, Enticing, Entrepreneurial, Entrusted, Epic, Equable, Equiparent, Equiponderant, Equiponderate, Equipped, Equitable, Erudite,  Essential, Established, Esteemed, Ethical, Even-handed, Evocative, Evolved, Evolving, Exact, Excellent, Excelling, Exceptional, Exciting, Exclusive, Executive, Exemplary, Exhilarating, Expeditious, Expeditive, Experienced, Expert, Explorative, Expressive, Exhortative, Exhortatory, Exquisite, Extraordinary, Exultant, Exulting


Facilitative, Factual, Fain, Fair, Faithful, Familial, Fantastic, Far-reaching, Far-sighted, Fascinating, Fatherly, Faultless, Favourable, Favoured, Favourite, Fearless, Feasible, Fecund, Feelgood, Felicitous,  Feracious, Fertile, Fervent, Festive, Fetching, Fidelitous, Fiery, Filigreed, Fine, Finer, Finest, Firm, First, First-class, First-order, First-rate, Fit, Fitting, Five-star, Flawless, Flexible, Flourishing, Fluent, Focused, Fond, Forceful, Foremost, Foresighted, Forgivable, Forgiving, Formidable, For real, Forthcoming, Forthright, Fortified, Fortifying, Fortuitous, Fortunate, Forward-thinking, Foundational, Four-star, Frank, Fraternal, Free, Freethinking, Friendly, Frisky, Front-page, Fruitful, Fulfilled, Fulfilling, Fun, Fundamental, Funny


Gainful, Gallant, Galore, Game, Gamesome, Generative, Generous, Genial, Genteel, Gentle, Gentlemanly, Genuine, Germane, Get-at-able, Gifted, Giving, Glad, Gnarly, Goal-oriented, Godly, Golden, Good, Goodhearted, Good-feeling, Good-humoured, Good-looking,  Good-natured, Graceful, Gracious, Grand, Grateful, Gratified, Gratifying, Great, Greatest, Greathearted, Gregarious, Grounded, Growing, Guaranteed, Gubernatorial, Guiding, Guileless, Gumptious, Gung ho, Gutsy, Gymnastic


Hale, Handsome, Handy, Happening, Happy, Hard-working, Hardy, Harmless, Harmonic, Harmonious, Harmonizable, Head, Healthy, Heartfelt, Heartsome, Heart-to-heart, Heartwarming, Hearty, Heavyweight, Helpful, Helping, Henotic, Heroic, High Calibre, High-class, High-demand, Highly regarded, Highly seasoned, Highly valued, High-minded, High-power, High-powered, High-quality, High-reaching, High-spirited, Hilarious, Honest, Honourable, Honoured, Hortative, Hortatory, Hospitable, Hot, Huggy, Huggable, Human, Humane, Humanistic, Humanitarian, Humble, Humorous, Hunky, Hygienic, Hypnotic


Ideal, Idealistic, Idiosyncratic, Idoneous, Illimitable, Illuminating, Imaginative, Imitable, Immaculate, Immeasurable, Impartial, Impassioned, Impavid, Impeccable, Impeccant, Imperturbable, Impish, Important, Impressive, Improving, Improvisational, Incisive, Inclusive, Incomparable, Incontestable, Incontrovertible, Incomplex, Incorrupt, Incorruptible, Indefatigable, In demand, In the moment, In the now, Independent, Indestructible, Indispensable, Indomitable, Indubitable, Industrious, Inexhaustible, Infallible, Infatuated, Infatuating, In fine fettle (good spirits), Influential, Informative, Informed, Ingenious, In good health, Inimitable, Innate, Innovative, In love, Inquisitive, In readiness, Insightful, Inspirational, Inspired, Inspiring, Inspirited, Inspiriting, Instinctive, Instructive, Instrumental, Integral, Integrated, Integrative, Interconnected, Interconnective, Intellectual, Intelligent, Intense, Intent, Interactive, Interested, Interesting, International, Intertwined, In the pink, In the saddle, In the swim, Intimate, Intrepid, Intrigued, Intriguing, Introspective, Inventive, Invigorated, Invigorating, Invincible, Inviolable, Inviting, Irenic, Irrefutable, Irrefragable, Irreplaceable, Irrepressible, Irreproachable, Irresistible

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Jaunty, Jazzy, Jocose, Jocular, Jocund, Jolly, Jovial, Joyful, Joyous, Jubilant, Judicious, Juicy, Just, Justified, Just right, Juvenescent

Keen, Key, Kind, Kind-hearted, Kindly, Kingly, Kissable, Knightly, Knowable, Knowing, Knowledgeable


Laid-back, Lasting, Latitudinarian, Laudable, Lavish, Lawful, Law-abiding, Leading, Leading-edge, Learned, Learning, Legal, Legit, Legitimate, Leisurely, Lenient, Leonine, Lettered, Level-headed, Liberal, Liberated, Liberating, Libertarian, Light-hearted, Likable, Liked, Like-minded, Limber, Lionhearted, Lionized, Literate, Lithe, Lithesome, Lively, Logical, Longanimous, Long-lived, Long-standing, Lordly, Lousy with, Love, Lovable, Loved, Loving, Loyal, Lucid, Lucky, Lucrative, Luculent, Luminous, Luscious, Lusty, Luxurious


Magical, Magnanimous, Magnetic, Magnificent, Main, Majestic, Major, Major league, Making a difference, Manageable, Managerial, Malleable, Manly, Mannerly, Marmoreal, Marvelous, Masculine, Massagable, Masterful, Masterly, Matchless, Matter-of-fact, Mature, Maturing, Maximal, Maximum, Meaningful, Measured, Meditative, Melioristic, Mellow, Memorable, Merciful, Meritorious, Merry, Mesmerizing, Meteoric, Methodical, Methodological, Meticulous, Mettlesome, Mindful, Mirthful, Mischievous, Mitigative, Mitigatory, Model, Modest, Moneyed, Moral, More, Most Excellent, Motivated, Motivating, Motivational, Moving, Mucho, Multidimensional, Multidisciplined, Multifaceted, Munificent, Muscular

Natty, Natural, Near to one’s heart, Nearby, Neat, Necessary, Needed, Neighbourly, Never-failing, Nice, Nifty, Nimble, Nimble-witted, Noble, Nobody’s fool, No dummy, Noetic, No strings attached, Nonchalant, Nonpareil, Not born yesterday, Not tied down, Not unlikely, Nourished, Nourishing, Now, Nubile, Number 1, Number one, Numero uno, Nurtured, Nurturing, Nutrimental


Objective, Obliging, Observant, Obtainable, Olympian, On hand, On one’s toes, On target, On the ball, On the beam, On the button, On the job, On the outlook, On the money, On the move, On the nose, One, Open, Open-handed, Open-hearted, Open-minded, Opportune, Optimal, Optimistic, Optimum, Opulent, Orderly, Organic, Organized, Oriented, Original, Ornamental, Outgoing, Out-of-sight, Out-of-this-world, Outspoken, Outstanding, Overflowing, Overjoyed, Overjoying, Overriding, Overruling, Overt

Pabulous, Pacific, Pacifistic, Pally, Panglossian, Paramount, Parental, Par excellence, Participative, Participatory, Particular, Paramount, Pardonable, Passionate, Paternal, Patient, Peaceable, Peaceful, Peak, Pecuniary, Peerless, Peppy, Penetrating, Perceptive, Perceptual, Percipient, Perdurable, Perennial, Perfect, Perfective, Perky, Permanent, Permissive, Perpetual, Perseverant, Persevering, Persistent, Personable, Perspicacious, Perspicuous, Persuasive, Pertinent, Pharaonic, Phenomenal, Philanthropic, , Philosophical, Phlegmatic, Picked, Pioneering, Pithy, Pivotal, Placid, Playful, Pleasant, Pleased, Pleasing, Pleasurable, Plenteous, Plentiful, Pluperfect, Poignant, Poised, Polished, Polite, Popular, Posh, Positive, Possible, Potent, Potential, Powerful, Practicable, Practical, Practiced, Pragmatic, Praiseworthy, Precious, Precise, Predominant, Preeminent, Pre-emptive, Preemptory, Preferred, Premier, Premium, Prepared, Preponderant, Prepotent, Present, Presentable, Presidential, Prevalent, Prevailing, Prevenient, Priceless, Primal, Primary, Prime, Primed, Primo, Princely, Principal, Principled, Priority, Privileged, Prized, Prize-winning, Pro, Proactive, Probable, Probative, Procurable, Prodigious, Productive, Professional, Proficient, Profound, Profuse, Progressive, Prolific, Prominent, Promising, Promoting, Prompt, Proper, Propitious, Prospective, Prosperous, Protective, Proto-, Proud, Prudent, Public-spirited, Puissant, Punctual, Pumped up, Pure, Purifying, Purposeful, Purposive


Qualified, Qualitative, Quality, Quemeful, Quick, Quickened, Quick on the uptake, Quick-witted, Quiet, Quintessential, Quixotic

Rapt, Rapturous, Rare, Rascally, Rational, Ravishing, Razor-sharp, Reliable, Reachable, Ready, Real, Reassuring, Receiving, Receptive, Reciprocal, Recommendable, Recommended, Red-carpet, Refined, Refreshing, Regal, Rejuvenating, Related, Relaxed, Relaxing, Relished, Relishing, Remarkable, Renewing, Renewed, Resourceful, Respectable, Respected, Respectful, Rested, Restful, Restorative, Revitalized, Revitalizing, Revived, Revivifying, Rewarding, Rhapsodic, Riant, Rich, Rident, Right, Righteous, Right neighborly,  Robust, Rollicking, Rousing

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Safe, Salubrious, Salutary, Salutiferous, Sanguine, Sapient, Sapiential, Sartorial, Satisfactory, Satisfied, Satisfying, Savvy, Scholarly, Scientific, Scintillated, Scintillating, Scrumptious, Scrupulous, Seamless, Seasoned, Second-to-none, Secure, Sedulous, Seemly, Select, Selected, Self-accepting, Self-assured, Self-confident, Self-disciplined, Self-expressive, Self-governing, Selfless, Self-made, Self-sacrificing, Self-starting, Self-sufficient, Self-taught, Sensational, Sensible, Sensitive, Sensuous, Sensual, Sentimental, Serendipitous, Serene, Service-minded, Service-oriented, Settled, Settling, Sharing, Sharp, Sharp-eyed, Sharp-witted, Sheltering, Shiny-eyed, Shipshape, Shrewd, Sightly, Significant, Simple, Sincere, Sinewy, Sizable, Skillful, Skilled, Skookum,  Sleek, Smart, Smashing, Smiley, Smiling, Smitten, Smooth, Snazzy, Snappy, Snugly, Sociable, Social, Societal, Soft-hearted, Soigne, Solid, Solid gold, Solomon-like, Something else, Soothfast, Soothing, Sophic, Sophisticated, Sought, Sought-after, Soulful, Sound,  Sovereign, Sparkling, Special, Spectacular, Spellbinding,  Spicy, Spiffy, Spirited, Spiritual, Splendid, Sponsal, Spontaneous, Sporting, Sportive, Spotless, Sprauncy, Sprightly, Sprucest, Spry, Square, Stable, Staid, Stainless, Stalwart, Stand-up, Star, Stately, State-of-the-art, Statuesque, Staunch, Steadfast, Steady, Stellar, Sterling, Sthenic, Stick-to-itive, Stimulating, Stimulative, Stimulatory, Stirred, Stirring, Storied, Stouthearted, Straightforward, Straight out, Strapping, Strategic, Street smart, Streetwise, Striking, Striving, Strong, Strong-willed, Studious, Stunning, Stupendous, Sturdy, Stylish, Suasive, Suave, Sublime, Substantial, Substantive, Subtle, Successful, Succinct, Sufficient, Suitable, Suited,  Sunny, Super, Superb, Super-duper, Super-civilized, Super-ethical, Super-excellent, Superior, Superlative, Supersonic, Supple, Supported, Supporting, Supportive, Sure, Sure-fire, Sure-footed, Sure-handed, Surpassing, Surprising, Sustaining, Sustentative, Swank, Swaying, Sweeping, Sweet,  Symbiotic, Symmetrical, Sympathetic, Synergistic, Systematic

Tactful, Tailor-made, Take-charge, Talented, Tangible, Tantalizing, Tasteful, Taught, Teachable, Teaching, Teeming, Teleorganic, Temperate, Tenable,  Tenacious, Tender, Tender-hearted, Terrific, Thankful, Thankworthy, Therapeutic, There, Thorough, Thoroughgoing, Thoughtful, Thrilled, Thrilling, Thriving, Tickled, Tidy, Timely, Time-honoured, Timeless, Time-saving, Tip-top, Tireless, Titanic, Titillating, Today, Together, Tolerant, Tonic, Topical, Totally-tubular, Top, Top drawer, Top-notch, Tops, To the max, Touching, Tough, Trailblazing, Traditive, Tranquil, Transcendent, Transcendental, Transformable, Transformative, Transnormal, Transparent, Transpicuous, Traveled, Treasurable, Treasured, Tremendous, Trim, Triumphant, True, True-blue, Trusted, Trustful, Trusting, Trustworthy, Trusty, Truthful, Tuneful, Tutelary, Twenty-first century, Twenty-four carat, Tympanic


Unabashed, Unaffected, Unafraid, Unambiguous, Unassuming, Unattached, Unbiased, Unbigoted, Uncommon, Uncomplicated, Uncompromising, Unconditional, Unconditionally Loving, Unconventional, Uncorrupted, Undauntable, Undaunted, Undesigning, Understandable, Understanding, Understood, Under control, Undiminished, Undisputed, Undivided, Undoubted, Unencumbered, Unequalled, Unequivocable, Unequivocal, Unfailing, Unfaltering, Unfeigned, Unfettered, Unflagging, Unflappable, Unhesitating, Unified, Unimpeachable, Unimpeded, Unique, Unisonous, United, Unlimited, Unobjectionable, Unparalleled, Unprejudiced, Unpretentious, Unquestionable, Unreserved, Unrivalled, Unruffled, Unselfish, Unshakable, Unshaken, Unstoppable, Unsurpassed, Untiring, Unwavering, Up, Up-and-coming, Upbeat, Upbuilding, Upcoming, Upfront, Uplifting, Upright, Upstanding,  Up-to-date, Up to par, Up to snuff, Up to speed, Uptown, Urbane, Utilitarian


Valiant, Valid, Validating, Validatory, Valorous, Valuable, Valued, Vast, Vaulting, Vegete, Vehement, Venerable, Venerated, Venial, Ventorious, Venturesome, Veracious, Verecund, Verified, Veriloquent, Veritable, Versatile, Versed, Veteran, Viable, Vibrant, Victorious, Vigilant, Vigorous, Virtuous, Visionary, Virile, Vital, Vitative, Vivacious, Vivid, Vivifying, Vocal, Vogue, Volcanic, Volitional


Wanted, Warm, Warm-hearted, Wealthy, Weighty, Welcome, Welcoming, Well, Well-arranged, Well-behaved, Well-built, Well-disposed, Well-established, Well-founded, Well-grounded, Well-informed, Well-intentioned, Well-liked, Well-made, Well-meaning, Well-proportioned, Well-read, Well-received, Well-spoken, Well-suited, Well-timed, Whimsical, Wholehearted, Wholesome, Wide-awake, Willing, Winnable, Winged, Winning, Wired, Wise, With it, Within reach, Without equal, Without limit, Witty, Wizardly, Wonderful, Wondrous, Working, World-class, Worldly, Worldly-wise, Worthy

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