What to Write In a Baptism Card

What to Write In a Baptism Card

What to write In a Baptism Card: Baptism day is one of those special occasions for an individual and their families.

An invitation to a baptism day is a rare opportunity and it’s that special moment that you need to share a baptism message or baptism wish. The person being baptized can be your immediate family member or friend.

When the day comes, you are lost for words. You don’t know what to write on a baptism card. That should not be the case. In this article, you will find what to write on a baptism card. You can tailor the message based on the age of the person or your relation to the person being baptized.


What do you write in a baptism card?

Today we are going to look at what to write on a card for a baptism. These baptism messages for cards will inspire you to find the right wording.

What to Write In a Baptism Card

Messages for Infants

When an infant is being baptized, they will not be able to read your card message until they can read. If it’s a baby being baptized, express joy for being part of the occasion. You can express your feelings on the card and convey your best wishes

Messages for Parents

It is good to give a card to the parents of the child being baptized. Show appreciation for the invite, share your best baptism wishes for the baby, and praise them for having their child baptized. For example, “It is an honor to be part of the ceremony; I couldn’t imagine missing the occasion. You must be very happy to see your firstborn being dedicated to God”

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Messages for Children or Adults

If the person is of age and can read, you can address the message directly to them. You can start by commending the person for taking part in the Baptism and then give them your best wishes.

Include Bible Scripture

A bible quote will help put more emphasis as well as strengthen your message in the baptism card. If you understand the bible very well include a bible verse or quote.

Baptism Card Messages

As we celebrate this holy occasion, may it bring peace, joy, and love into your life. Congrats on your baptism!

What a special day to rejoice and celebrate. May it be a day to remember, a day full of love and joy. Congratulations on your baptism!

Baptism today has made you become a child of God. May you receive his grace, always trust in God! Give Him your all, and He will always be with you throughout your journey in life.

May your baptism day be touched with every blessing and may your future be filled with love, joy, and blessings.

As you go through baptism, may you see the real hand of our God in your life, May he give you a new life, and may you find your purpose in life! Congratulations on baptism!

You are a true testimony and you have demonstrated it through baptism. Congratulations on your baptism.

May your life be filled with blessings from the almighty God as you start a new chapter in your life! Congratulations on baptism!

May you always look back on this special day and know it’s the best decision that you ever made.

READ:   Baptism Wishes for Adults

This beautiful day marks the start of your spiritual life. May it always bring joy and peace into your life.

Read: Confirmation Card Messages

Baptism Wording for Cards

Indeed it’s a new step in your life, the joy can be seen all over you. May you forever remain in the faith! Congratulations on your baptism!

God has saved you by His grace. He has given you a new life; it’s time to serve him. Get to know more about Him and what He has planned for you. Congrats on baptism!

Baptism Wording for Cards

God has touched your life; you have been saved by His grace. As you are being baptized in His name and walking in His footsteps, we pray that you will always remain in him. Congratulations on your baptism!

Let this special day be memorable for the baby. May it bring more happy memories into the family! Best wishes to the parents and baby!

May the Lord give the little one all the blessings and happiness in life to enjoy a life full of love and good health. Congratulations!

May you receive God’s blessings on your baptism day, May He guide you throughout your life. Congratulations on your baptism!

Baptism Wishes Messages

Best wishes as you start a new life, and a new journey of faith. Never look back. Congratulations on your Baptism

I never thought this day would come, forge on with the new path. Never look back. The Lord will be your guide. Congratulations on this special day! I wish you the best.

We are so happy to see you being baptized in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. We wish you the best in life.

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Baptism Wishes Messages

It takes a lot of courage to make the decision you have made today, to die of the old self, and to be reborn new. Your baptism is a sign of greater things to come. May God forever change your life, for accepting him in your life, best wishes!

It has always been my prayer for this day to come; finally, God has made it possible. Best wishes as you start a new life. May God always light up your path!

On Baptism Day, May the Lord bless you and your family abundantly. Congratulations.

Sending you lots of love on your baptism day, I wish you all the best in your life.

I wish you a beautiful day on your baptism and lots of good memories. Congratulations on your baptism!

Baptism Sayings for Card

May today’s baptism be a joyous and memorable one – Best wishes my friend!

May this special occasion in your life bring lots of happiness and joy into your life. Congratulations on your baptism.

May the christening today be part of a long-lasting life with Christ. All the best my dear friend!

May the grace of God and the blessings that you receive during your Baptism guide you throughout your life!

May the baptism of your baby be the start of a life filled with joy and blessings!

Baptism Card Message

May this special day of your baby’s christening, be a day filled with happiness, laughter, and love.

May your child grow to be healthy and bring more blessings into your home.

We send you lovely wishes for your baptism. May God bless you abundantly!

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