Short Kindness Quotes

Short Kindness Quotes : Quotes About Being Kind to Others

Short Kindness Quotes: Being kind does not only have an impact on others but on you as well. As a person, you will always want people to be kind to you. That’s why you also need to show some kindness to others.

World Kindness Day has been set aside to show kindness and love to others. Spread the love and show kindness to others. With short kindness quotes, you will be able to spread love to others and inspire others to do the same.

There are many ways you can express kindness. Make an effort today and spread the beauty of kindness using quotes about kindness. These quotes of kindness will spark your creativity and enable you to come up with

Short Kindness Quotes

To change a person’s life you only need an act of kindness.

Be kind to others without expecting a reward, but know you will also want others to do the same to you.

Do things for others not because of what you want in return but because of what you are made of.

Kindness is not about favors. True kindness does not expect something in return. Kindness does not have conditions.

Don’t look at what other people are to you, just be kind to others.

Kindness is not doing something for someone because you cannot, but because you can do it.

Small Acts of Kindness Quotes

Small acts of kindness inspire others also to be kind.

There is nothing a small act of kindness, Kindness is kindness.

The purpose of life is to show kindness to others.

You can never know the ripple effect you create when you are kind to others.

Always make someone smile, show a random act of kindness in your everyday life.

Where there is kindness, strength manifests.

The secret to happiness is very simple, show kindness.

Guard your treasure; know when to give and who needs it most.

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Help others where you can without expecting something in return. Your kindness will be rewarded by God.

Love, kindness, character, and friendship are what define human beings in this modern world.

Be a little kinder than you were yesterday.

You can accomplish anything by being nice to others, as they will do anything for you.

Kindness draws people closer to you.

Kindness will never cease to exist, it will always be fashionable.

Many teenagers are always misunderstood, what they need is love and kindness.

Most people seem to be self-centered; they don’t have any kindness left in them.

Loving people more than they deserve is what we call kindness.

Kindness Quotes

Be the reason why someone feels loved, be the reason why someone is happy. Be kind to other people.

No matter where you are, do the little good things as they are the ones that change the world. Be kind to others.

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Quotes About Being Kind to Others

Want to be kind to others, be kind to yourself.

No matter what your temperament is right now, gratitude will give you patience, compassion, understanding, and kindness.

We were touched by your kindness. May the Lord bless you always. Thank you.

Always show kindness to others. Your actions and words might be filling the empty spaces in one’s heart.

When you show kindness through giving you show love.

Kindness is like a garden of flowers, it makes everything around it beautiful.

Kindness is the happiness in which happiness grows.

Quotes About Being Kind to Others

Life is more beautiful when you see good in other people.

No matter how small your act of kindness is, it can create a great impact on someone’s life.

When you offer kindness in your everyday life, you make someone happy.

Treat everyone with kindness, and you will live a happy life forever.

You cannot become poor by giving; instead, you will get more satisfaction.

The best way to heal a painful heart is through kindness.

No matter how you look at it, kindness makes you the happiest person in the world. You feel the joy within your heart.

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Short Quotes about Kindness

There is nothing a small act of kindness. Every kindness creates the same effect.

May you continue to be who you are, showing kindness and love to others, it helps in offloading the burden in your heart.

You can accomplish anything by kindness but not by force.

Kindness is never wasted; it makes a difference in one’s life.

You can never find wisdom that is greater than kindness

Kindness blesses the one who receives and the one who gives.

short kindness messages

Kindness can motivate you to do greater things for others in society.

Kindness makes us be kind

Being kind is not a sign of weakness, it is appreciating humanity.

You cannot help everyone, but each one of us can help someone.

Kindness starts with an understanding of oneself.

A simple act of kindness grows to every corner and grows into something big.

Where there is humanity, you will find kindness.

Make someone smile today; do a random act of kindness.

Kindness is the most powerful way of expressing yourself and yet the least costly.

Kindness is the key that opens doors of friendship and makes one feel happy.

Kindness is what softens one’s heart and makes one feel better.

Kindness and love are inseparable.

Kindness is all about loving others more than they deserve to be loved.

The most important things in life are kindness and happiness, you can’t do without them.

Be kinder than you are to others.

Whenever possible, be kind to others, for it is always possible.

A successful man shows his success by the way he treats others.

Kindness has no boundaries; you can show it to anyone.

Kindness has no limit or favoritism

Quotes about Being Nice To Others

Life is amazing when you see the good in other people.

Don’t confuse kindness with politeness.

Kindness is worth more than money, show kindness to those near you.

The most important thing in human life is being kind to others.

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Kindness Quotes

Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see – Mark Twain

The words of kindness are more healing to a drooping heart than balm or honey – Sarah Fielding

Kindness in words creates confidence. Kindness in thinking creates profoundness. Kindness in giving creates love. – Lao Tzu

Quotes About Being Nice To Others

It is never too late to be nice to others. You never know when you will need others to be nice to you.

It is very much possible to be nice to others. Be nice whenever possible.

Appreciate someone in life. Show some kindness to those around you.

Spread the love; be nice to those that you meet. Leave an impact on their life.

Being nice to others is something that should come from within. Let it be a natural thing.

It is a blessing to be nice to others. The blessings will always come back to you.

Be nicer to others, the person you are nice to will always bless you.

Quotes About Being Good To Others

Being good requires you to love people more than they deserve.

It does not matter the time of the day. Be good to others.

Be good to others; don’t expect a reward, one day someone else will do the same to you.

Be good to others and see how they will love being around you.

There is no small act of kindness; any type of kindness has a ripple effect.

Being good should be your number one quality. When you do good to others everything else falls into place.


Small acts of kindness go a long way. It does not cost much to be nice or good to others. Treat people with kindness, as you will also want them to treat you nicely. The above quotes about being nice to others will enable you to pick the perfect Quotes about Being Kind to Others. Spread the kindness to those around you. Share these kindness quotes.

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