Romantic and Sweet Pick Up Lines
Sweet pick-up lines can be used to start a conversation. These cute pick-up lines should be used with creativity to win the other person over to start a conversation.
If you need romantic pickup lines to impress a girl, these romantic pickup lines for guys will work magic. The pickup line will ease the tension between you.
Sweet Pick up Lines
1. Do you have a Band-aid, I just tripped my knee falling for you.
2. The only thing your eyes have not told me is your name,
3. Wow! You are the cutest lady in the room.
4. You are so beautiful, you made me forget everything
5. I am lost, can you give me directions to your heart
6. I think you are the next miss world, you are so pretty.
7. You are so lovely; you have made me forget my pickup lines.
8. The best thing that can ever happen in my life right now is falling in love with you.
9. You are an angel from heaven.
10. May I ask for directions to your heart?
11. I thought I was happy until the time I saw you.
12. I can only find my happiness in you.
13. You are perfect in every way.
14. There are millions of people in the world but you are the only person that I see.
15. My love for you is like the waters in the oceans
16. My name is…will you be my…?
17. Do you have a map of your heart; I keep getting lost in your eyes.
18. Could you reduce your hotness, I would love to come into your heart.
19. I am giving you the keys to my heart; you can come at any time that you want.
Read: How to Get a Girl in College
Romantic Pick-up Lines for Him
Do you have a rubber? I want to erase your past and write about our future.
When I look at you, it’s only you that I see.
You have tripped me, I am lost in your love
You are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen, this is where my happiness starts
My happiness starts with you
The only center of attraction is you, my love.
Hello, how are you today?
If you find yourself in a room with no doors or windows don’t panic, you are in my heart.
Life is sweet when you are part of my life.
You have stolen my heart; I too want to steal yours.
You have something in your eye; let me help you remove it.
What you see is my life without you
Romantic Pick Up Lines For Guys
I am not a professional photographer. Though I can picture us together
Do you have a map? I keep getting lost looking for you
I am lost in your beauty
You are so beautiful than the stars.
Angel, how was heaven when you left
Can I have your number; I would love to call you tonight.
Everything about you is awesome except one thing; I don’t have you in my life.
There is one thing I would want to change in your life, your last name.
I can only think of the day that you will say I do.
In your eyes, I can see the reflection of my love for you.
If your heart was a prison, then there is where I would love to be jailed forever.
When I look back all the finest memories that I see are all about you.
This is the best day of my life for I have found my missing rib.
There is nothing I want other than to make you happy.
I hope there is a fire extinguisher because you are so hot.
I have never seen such a pretty smile like yours, you are so beautiful.
The sparkle in your eyes is just beautiful.
You are really good at what you do, can’t wait to see what you are going to do to my heart.
Hey, I think I have found my dream girl, you are my dreams.
Do you know what I did last night, I dreamed about you,
When I gaze at the stars at night, each star represents a reason why I love you.
Girl, you are driving me crazy, I want you in my life.
Would you hug me so that I can tell my friends I was hugged by an angel!
I can see it written all over your face, you look just amazing.
Excuse me, what pickup line is best for you? I would like to use romantic pick-up lines just for you.
Santa must have come early because you were on my Christmas wish.
If every time I thought of you the water in the ocean evaporated, then the oceans would be completely dry.
Life without you would be meaningless, with no taste at all.
Forget about the superheroes you see in movies, I’ll be your real hero, I will be your man.
It looks like I have just found my home.
Every time I think of you, I love you more and more.
When I first saw you, I had to pinch myself to make sure I was not dreaming.
I don’t want to waste my time, nor your time, you are the one my heart desires. I want you to be my girlfriend and the love of my life.
If this was my last breath, I would use it just to say I love you.
Your eyes look like the shining star, so bright and as white as snow.
Oh gal, are you from heaven, your hair, your eyes, your body, your face, perfect in every way.
My friend when they see you, they just see how gorgeous you are. For me, I see the love of my life.
Your beauty is just out of this world, it is blinding.
You lit up my life; I will never be in darkness again.
I am lost for words; I can’t say anything sweet about you
When I saw you my heart ran as fast as an athlete.
Every single day when I see you, keep on falling in love with you.
Because of you, my life is happier.
Whoever said no one is perfect I think they have not seen you.
There aren’t enough words in the words to describe how beautiful you are.
How did you know my heart wanted you?
Start that conversation with romantic pickup lines. It does not matter the time of the day, these sweet pickup lines will spark your creativity and enable you to find the best romantic pickup line to use on him or her.