Quotes about Happiness and Love
Quotes About Happiness and Love: For many, it’s difficult to find true love with happiness. If you find love and happiness you are one of the lucky people in the world.
If you find love and happiness in life, it’s good to share.
Below are the best quotes about happiness and love, quotes for happiness in love, happiness quotes for love, inspirational quotes about happiness and love, love and happiness quotes
Quotes About Happiness and Love
Love is the road to happiness, but many never find it.
Happiness leads you to happiness because you can only love when you are happy.
With happiness in you, you will find pure love.
Happiness creates room for love to thrive, you cannot have one without the other, both are ingredients of a healthy relationship.
It’s better to fall in love with someone who makes you happy than be in a relationship with someone who makes you feel unworthy.
You can only understand what love means when you are happy.
When you are in a relationship, choose love and happiness at the same time. Do not choose one over the other; otherwise, you will not feel love or happiness.
All you need in a relationship is love and happiness, and everything else will flourish.
Fall in love with someone who makes you feel happy and you will never regret it in life.
There is no happiness without love, nor love without happiness.
One day in life, you will have to make a choice, between love and happiness or both.
Love and happiness are the hardest decisions we have to make in our lives.
Spreading happiness to others, makes them fall in love with you more.
You can only spread happiness when you love with all your heart.
Those who are in love with you should be with you on all occasions, in times of happiness and sadness.
There is nothing as powerful as love and happiness. Always be happy.
Love and happiness conquer everything. That’s why when you find love and happiness you hold unto it forever.
If loving someone makes you happy, then you should let them know, and let nothing stop you.
Read: You Make Me Happy Quotes
Quotes About Love and Happiness
Without love, the world cannot be a happy place. We must spread the love to make the world a happier place.
Money is not everything in this world; it cannot buy you love and happiness.
You cannot love a person who is always sad, they have to fix their problem and be happy and love will come
Your life may be a bed of thorns, but once you find love and happiness it becomes a bed of roses. Full of joy.
Love does not dictate, it cultivates and brings happiness.
If you sow seeds of love, then be ready to reap fruits of joy, peace, and happiness.
Always stick to love and happiness. Sadness and hate are too heavy to bear.
No one in the world can love you more than you love yourself. Love yourself first and everything else will follow.
If you find love that makes you feel free, happy, and satisfied, then you have found true love. Nurture it with all your heart.
Where there is love there is happiness.
Read: Words to Describe Happy Feelings
Happy Quotes About Love
Love is where the happiness of another person is so important to your own life.
I am satisfied with the love I get from you, for you are my love and happiness. Love you sweetheart.
If you live a hundred years, I want to live a hundred minus one day so that I would never live without your love and happiness.
Sadness cannot be driven out by sadness, only love and happiness can do that.
The most elusive thing in life is love and happiness, chances of finding them are rare, but when you find them, you hold onto them for life.
You cannot help but fall in love with happy people in life.
Love and happiness complement each other; you cannot have one and lack the other.
The best healing therapy is happiness and love.
Find: You Are My Happiness
Cute Quotes About Life and Love and Happiness
If you are to get anything in this world, love yourself first, then everything else will fall into place.
Be yourself; don’t let the world push you into something you don’t want to be. Love yourself and be happy.
The most important thing in life is to learn how to love and happiness will follow you.
The path to love and happiness is you; you have to open your heart for both to come in.
Loving you is my dream come true, I don’t love you because of who you are, but because of what I feel when I am with you.
We are shaped by what we love and what makes us happy.
When we find love and happiness, our thoughts and life changes completely
Love and Happiness Quotes
Now I know what love and happiness are because of you.
Love will never die where there is happiness. It will always flourish.
Loving people live in a happy world.
Love and happiness are music to the heart.
Where there is happiness, there is love.
If you want a healthy and happy life, you must learn to love.
Love is the feeling and happiness we all dream to find.
To love and be happy is everything in this world.
You do not only feel happiness, it is something you do, something that comes within your heart.
This is a day like no other a day full of happiness and love, a day that you will never wish to end.
The best way to make love come your way is to be happy with yourself. If you are happy, someone will love you.
Happiness makes love sweeter.
Happiness is not only about being happy, with happiness you find love.
One of the key components of happiness is love.
Great people always understand the art of happiness and are always ready to spread love to those who need it.
If you want happiness, love the people around you and you will never lack happiness.
With love, you will draw happiness.
Finally, I have found the one who makes me happy. I love you so much.
Happiness is being with you, my love. I love you.
Your happiness is my happiness.
I’m happy with you.
Happiness is seeing your loved ones happy.
With these quotes about pure love and happiness, you are set. Hope you have found the best quotes about happiness and love. I pray that you find love and happiness in your life.