Quotes About Being Patience

Quotes About Being Patient : Best Patience Quotes

Quotes About Being Patient: As we look at the best patience quotes, it is good to understand that patience is a virtue that helps us hold on to something even when there is a delay. Having patience means being less anxious and with time things tend to work out as planned.

Patience is gained through hard times, rarely is any patience needed when our lifeboat is sailing on calms tides. On the other hand, when things are tough we often feel the pressure of waiting. That is why pain produces persistence and persistence leads to patience which eventually forms our character. A patient person is calm and not easily angered.

To have a clear picture of what it means to be patient we have looked at Quotes About Being Patience

Quotes About Being Patient

Being patient is not a virtue we’re often born with, most of us learn how to be patient.

If you learn to be patient, anger will be kept at bay.

Sometimes going through a difficult situation gives you the chance to develop patience which will enable you to understand what others are going through when they walk in the same shoes you did.

It is not the period we wait that matters, but the attitude we maintain during the times we are waiting.

Patience is not as easy as it sounds, it requires self-sacrifice.

Quotes About Being Patient

Patience is an outstanding virtue, which is often not easy to find.

Patience is defined by what you choose not to fulfill today, keeping an eye on what you expect in the future.

With patience, the ants build the mighty ant’s hill.

Good things in life are built with lots of patience.

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Sometimes a battle well planned for is lost when the leader loses patience.

Its patience will make a woodcutter sharpen the ax for fours when given 5 hours to cut a tree.

Patience is not learned through good times but through hard times.

Developing patience is like planting a bamboo seed, where you may never see results for years even after doing much work, but once the seeds germinate they grow to great heights to outshine others.

It is the patience and faith in us that gives us the hope to hold on even when the surrounding situation says otherwise.

Get rid of all negative thoughts in your life; approach your next step in life with patience, positivity, and a strong belief that you can.

Having patience in life is rewarding, let things fall into place. Don’t rush things.

God’s timing is the best, it’s never too early or late. It takes a little patience and faith. The good thing is it’s always worth the wait.

Be patient. Results do not come overnight.

Best Patience Quotes

Be patient, you may give up when the opportunity may be waiting next door.

Easy come, easy go, be patient.

Patience is power, a stone added to another form of world skyscrapers.

One decision to be patient can save you a lifetime of sorrow.

Patient is knowing that the greatest time to plant a tree was 20 twenty years ago. But the second-best time to do so is today.

With patience and strategy, the tortoise defeated the fastest hare.

In the world of technology, the word patience will soon become vague.

When you have patience within you, you will know the delay is not denial.

To be a good leader you must know how to be patient with people.

Even the slowest snail got into Noah’s ark, be patient.

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Best Patience Quotes

Every day allows us to reach our destiny, be patient, and take every moment seriously.

A patient person will not eat the seed today; he will plant it today, for tomorrow’s harvest.

A patient man will always find a way.

When you are patient you pay attention.

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How to Be Patient Quotes

Patience is a muscle built through self-control.

To shine bright at night the moon patiently absorbs light from the sun.

Patience develops a character that eventually makes us wiser.

With patience, the larvae transform into beautiful butterflies.

If you are patient with people, then you can endure anything.

Patience pays.

Be patient, things are working out for you somewhere.

Drops of water falling on a wall can make a big house fall, all it takes is time.

It is the small steps we take that enable us to cover a mile, have patience, and not stop walking.

Patience is the pesticide to control the fungal emotions of life.

Patience achieves more than your imagination.

Patience makes you wait but its fruits are sweet.

All big achievements you see require patience.

The most important ingredient you need in life is patience.

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Quotes About Being Patience When in Love

True love is patience; it endures many things to conquer all.

When you are in love with someone Patience is not sitting and waiting. It is looking at the rose flower and not seeing the thorn but the rose, it is looking at the darkness and seeing the light. True Lovers know what it means to wait, they recognize that the moon needs time to become full.” ― Rumi.

Patient love will make someone have an ear to what you have to say and when he/she cannot, they will pretend to do so.

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No relationship can be built without patience.

Patience in marriage means outgrowing the “self” to always meet the needs of the other person.

In relationships, you have to know when to be patient and when to let go.

Be Patient Quotes

It can be difficult to learn patience, but once you learn the ropes, it becomes easier.

Without patience is like you don’t have any oil, you don’t have the will to persevere.

To be successful in life you need to master the art of patience.

Patience is very important when you want to be successful in life.

Patience goes hand in hand with kindness.

To increase motivation and self-control, one needs to remain patient to allow the mind to adapt to the changes.

Patience can be bitter, but its fruits are awesome.

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Patience in Relationship Quotes

When the time is right, don’t rush things, be patient, and everything else will fall into place.

There is no perfect relationship, every relationship has its fights, pain, tears, arguments, and secrets… be patient with yours.

Be a patient person in a relationship if you want it to be successful.

If you love him/her, you need to be patient. Nothing comes perfect.

No matter what difficulty you are facing, you need to have patience. Nothing is permanent.

To enjoy True love one needs to be patient.

A relationship cannot exist unless there is commitment, loyalty, love, persistence, and patience.

The secret to a happy life is being patient.

Patience is something you must have if you are in a relationship.

Final Thought

At times it is hard to have patience. These patience quotes will make you think and remind you that patience is a virtue.

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