Physical Signs Your Wife Is Cheating
Physical Signs Your Wife Is Cheating: Have you been in a happy marriage for some time now, but recently you feel like your wife is behaving in a weird manner?
If you suspect your wife is cheating but you have no proof, you might look at the signs.
Physical Signs that your wife is Cheating is an article that will help you check out some of the signs that have put in doubt your wife’s character.
Research has shown that at one point in their marriage life, women have at least cheated once. It is up to you guys to observe, if you have doubts, and tell at what point you feel she has been unfaithful.
Physical Signs Your Wife Is Cheating
Below we have looked at some of the physical signs your wife is cheating.
1. Random and unexplained prolonged working hours
Guys note that if your wife works for long hours it does not mean she is cheating. However, if often she comes home late and gives no signs that she will be working late, then you have been curious. If this is not prompted by a change of jobs or position then there is another reason. It’s likely that married women will cheat with co-workers or someone who they have met in the course of their work.
Consider whom she is very close to at her workplace; monitor how often they communicate and how often she goes into business activities/meetings with that person.
2. She has more money than what she actually earns
Money comes in as physical signs your wife is cheating because some affairs are started just to get financial assistance. If she has a large amount of money not corresponding to her income or business then you have a reason to be worried.
If she has genuinely gotten the money she should be able to explain it, but if she cannot, then that could be a sign that another guy is in the picture
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3. Lavish gifts
Imagine this scenario; your wife comes home with an expensive gift worth several thousand. On enquiring who gave her the gift, she tells you it’s her friend who happens to be a guy whom she often talks about or has never mentioned before. Gifts, especially very expensive ones come with a cost and if not, they come with a benefit.
If your wife receives gifts from this guy whom she calls a friend, co-worker, or distant cousin be on the lookout.
4. Unresolved matter with her ex
Another person that your wife is likely to cheat with is an ex who keeps on reappearing in her life. Chances are that if they still see each other on the ground of solving unresolved issues then a relationship could develop. This could be the case if they have a child who is a unifying thing between the two.
Unresolved previous marriage may also lead to affairs as the previous relationship remains in an unknown state.
5. Age
After some time in a marriage, couples get used to each other and often they lose interest in each other. Researchers show that after seven of marriage, couples are more likely you cheat. This is often due to the fact that the guy is most time preoccupied with building his career that he forgets his responsibility to his wife.
In most this happens in the early thirties, so guys, be careful what you do at this period so as to avoid pushing each other to the point of looking for another person
6. Unsettled in marriage
Another period when your wife is likely to cheat is immediately after one year of marriage. If you see that she still behaves like she is not married, she could be interested in other guys. In these early years, the line is yet to be drawn that she is married.
Chances are that her expectations were not met and the emotional gap is created. She may try to feel in the gap by looking for another guy.
7. Too many single friends
Truth be told, birds of a feather flock together, and often women have a way of influencing each other. If all the times she hangs up with promiscuous single friend chances are that she might end up like them.
8. Bad Parental influence
It is only fair not to judge people by the environment they were brought up in, but sometimes truth be told we are natured by the people who surround us. Morally, a girl who has been brought up by parents having numerous affairs may have a problem noting when to set up boundaries.
Sometimes history repeated itself, so your girl may cheat just because she saw her parents do the same.
9. Mid-life crisis
At the age of forty women usually have established their family and career and have enough money to meet their needs. However, even with this success, she may be unhappy with you and it is possible to look for more excitement in her life. Some end up with relationships with younger guys whom they can easily manipulate.
10. She is an alcoholic
A woman’s values can easily be comprised if she is an alcoholic. Guys if she constantly goes to the club and comes back in the late hours of the night it is likely she is cheating on you. Many women are unable to handle themselves when drunk.
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What type of woman is likely to cheat?
There are women who are likely to cheat more than others. So how can you tell if she will likely cheat on you or what type of woman is likely to cheat?
For a woman to cheat there are several factors that may make her do it, it could either be unplanned or planned. Below we have looked at characters or types of women that have a higher chance of cheating
1. Materialistic
A girl who is materialistic means that she will do anything for money. Guys if in most cases you fight with your girl on the basis of finance could be it because you do not have enough then know that she will likely cheat on you. The reason why she is with you is that she has not found a richer guy.
A materialistic woman will often clearly show it to your face, for instance, she may comment how you do not work hard to get that posh car or house in nice suburbs. She makes you feel like a failure simply because you do not have money like so and so.
2. Attention seeker
Every girl loves some attention but for others, the attention they require cannot be met by anyone. Girls who are attention seekers will behave in any way to get to you and if you are unable to meet their needs they become prey to any man that makes advances.
You can tell she is an attention seeker by the way she behaves. For instance, she may seek an opportunity to justify her extravagant needs and if you are unable she may cause tantrums and make you feel awful.
3. Alcoholic
Another type of woman who is likely to cheat is an alcoholic woman. In her sober mood, she has good morals but once drunk those morals may not stand. Such women are the ones who end up in the one-night stands. So guys, be warned every time she goes out to get that one drink.
4. Hyper girl with many single friends
Imagine your girl going out on a road trip with friends most of who are single. This picture paints a good circumstance in which she will cheat. In today’s world, many people’s morals have gone down the drain so for some guys they will not keep off just because she is married. On the other hand, she may cheat in the cover-up of being with friends.
5. Low self-esteem
If she has low self-esteem the possibilities of her cheating are higher. Any guy who makes an approach and makes her feel better may be willing to do anything for him.
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