Nicknames for Twins

Nicknames for Twins – Boys & Girls

Nicknames for Twins: Searching for cute nicknames for twin babies? Choosing nicknames becomes a harder task if you have twins.

If you are looking for nicknames for twin boys, nicknames for twin boys and girls, or nicknames for twin girls, then you have come to the right place.

It is such a blessing to have twins. They are unique and special. That’s why they need a cute nickname.

Here you will find Nicknames for Twins, funny nicknames for twins, and more

Nicknames for Twins

Evil Twin

The Hobbits

Romulus and Remus

The Bobsie Twins

Pepsi and Cola

Mai and Tai


Sherlock and Watson

Rags and Riches

Yogi and BooBoo

Tutti and Fruiti

Scooby and Shaggy

Thunder and Bolt

Guns and Roses

Bugs and Daffy

Trinidad and Tobago


Chips and Salsa

Yogi and Bear

The Twins

Reno and Vegas

Ups and Daisy

Twinkie and Ding Dong

Rum and Coke

Peanut and Almond

Dynamic Duo

Fish and Chips

Fox and Hound

Cashew and Peanut

Ulna and Radius

Alpha and Beta


Potatoes and Gravy

Pickle and Pumpkin

Twirlys (twin girls)

Ying and Yang

Ginger and Nutmeg

Oopsie and Daisy

Twinnie Winnies

Double Trouble

Rocky and Mugsy

Jelly and Bean

Sergeant and General

Trick and Treat

B1 and B2

Tetra and Didi

Tweedledee and Tweedledum

Coke and Fanta

Pooh and Piglette

LJ – Little Juniors

Homer and Jethro

Tiki and Kiwi

Rhymes and Blues

Champagne and Caviar

Beef and Cheese

Bubble and Squeak

Tic and Tac

Giggles and Chuckles

Heckle and Jeckle

Ben and Jerry


Apple and Banana

Pesto and Sugar

Pip and Pippy

Cinnamon and Spice

Nic and Nak

Squishy and Peanut

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Cutie and Patootie

The Pumpkins

Zeno and Chrysippus

The Jellybeans

Freckles and Speckles

Trip and Trap

Twiggy and Twiglet

Truffles and Fudge

Taz and Jazmin

Alpha and Omega

Mac and Cheese

Little Timbits

Proton and Neutron

Peanut Butter and Jelly

Harvard and Yale

Tate and Lyle




Itchy and Scratchy

Zenith and Nadir

Snicker and Snookie

Coke and Pepsi

Pink and Blue

Ace and Duri

Strawberry and Cream

Pansy and Violet

Hollywood and Vine

Stars and Stripes

Peanuts and Popcorn

Rhubarb and Custard

SpongeBob and Patrick


Tater and Tot


Heinz and Branston

Salt and Vinegar

Biscuit and Gravy

Criss and Cross

Little Buddies

Brandy and Whiskey

Thing 1 and Thing 2

Cocoa and Puff

Bacon and Eggs

Salt and Pepper

Sheriff and Deputy

Ping and Pong

Sydney and Melbourne

Sugar and Spice

Topsy and Turvy

Peek and Boo

Squid and Trid

Gin and Tonic

Peaches and Herb

Ace and Zed

Chilli and Pepper

Peaches and Cream

The Twinkies

Sprite and Tab

Calm and Storm

Cat and Dog


Pringles and Cheetos

Rock and Roll

Ursa and Major

Goody and Evil

Shake and Bake

Spewy and McGooey

Tigger and Pooh

The Wonder Twins

Cookies and Cream

Peanut and Jelly

Puss and Boots

Nicknames for Twin Boys

Lewis and Clark

The Hemsworths – Liam and Chris

Rocky and Bulwinkle

Barbarian Brothers

Mario and Luigi

The Wilsons – Owen and Luke

Tom and Jerry

Milli and Vanilli

Bert and Ernie

Mr. Men

Pooey and Spewey

The Savages – Ben and Fred

Butch and Sundance

The Afflecks – Ben and Casey

Bill and Ben

Chip and Dale

Timon and Pumba

Optimus Prime and Bumblebee

Woody and Buzz

Forrest and Bubba

Big Guy and Gramps

Tom and Huck

Titi and Jermaine

Tex and Rex

Ruff and Tuff

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Wright Brothers

Big boy and Little Man

The OC – Oliver, and Carson

The Windsors – Harry and William

Robo and Cop

Treelo and Olo

Tintin and Snowy

Santa and Rudolph

The Mannings – Eli and Peyton

Marco and Polo

The Bubbas

Mike and Sully

Kirk and Spock

Goofy and Pluto

Fred and Barney

Calvin and Hobbes

Ronnie and Reggie

The Brothers of Destruction

Wallace and Grommit

Zeus and Apollo

Search and Destroy

Abbot and Costello

Tomax and Xamot

Damon and Stefan

Simon and Garfunkle

Travolta and Preston

Snoopy and Woodstock

Mr. and Men

Rafiki and Zazoo

Skipper and Gilligan

Batman and Robin

Nicknames for Twin Girls

Fizzy and Izzy

Tiffaniy and Cartier

Khloe and Kim

Tinker and Taylor

Laverne and Shirley

Pinkie and Twinkies

Blossom and Sweetpea

Izzy and Dizzy

Princess and Dutchess

Heaven and Navaeh

Beyoncé and Solange

Ribbons and Pearls

Wilma and Betty

Brandi and Candi

Pixie and Dixie

Silk and Satin

Petunia and Rose

Emily and Charolette

Holly and Ivy

Thelma and Louise

Venus and Serina

Sansa and Ayra

Anna and Elsa

Glitter and Sparkle

Lilly and Daisy

Ruby and Diamond

Buttons and Bows

Daisy and Tulip

Tinker and Bell

Wisteria and Adonis

Diamond and Pearl

Razzle and Dazzle

Ruby and Sapphire

Satin and Lace

Sweet and Spicy

Sweetie and Sweetums

Mary-Kate and Ashley

London and Paris

Winkie and Blinkie

Pippa and Kate

Holly and Molly

Nicknames for Twins Boy and Girl

Zena and Zorro

Charlotte and Wilbur

Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head

Mario and Princess Peach

Sonny and Cher

Luke and Leia

Princess Fussypants and Professor Gassybuns

Count and Countess

Poppa and Momma

Kermit and Mrs. Piggy

Jasmine and Aladdin

Lancelot and Guinevere

Jack and Jill

King and Queen

Apollon and Artemis

Jack and Annie

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Lord and Lady

King Tut and Queen Nefertiti

George and Charolette

Ringo and Star

Tex and Jinx

Mulder and Scully

Bonny and Clyde

Popeye and Olive Oil

Prince Charming and Cinderella

Dorothy and Toto

Duke and Dutchess

Heart and Spades

Prince and Princess

Donald and Daisy

Mickie and Minnie

Tarzan and Jane

Lady and Tramp

Katniss and Peeta

Romeo and Juliet

Poppy and Lily

Beauty and The Beast

Barbie and Ken

Topaz and Ruby

Pinky and the Brain

Fred and Ginger

Mojo and Jojo

Mr. and Mrs. Clause

Dora and Diego

Lucy and Desi

Marshall and Lily

Tristan and Isolde (Iseult)

Bonnie and Donnie

Simba and Nala

Lilo and Stitch

Zeus and Leto

Shrek and Fiona

Funny Nicknames for Twins

Rabble and Babble

Toast and Bacon

Knucklehead and Chucklehead

Snugglepots and Cuddlepie

Cling and Clang

The Twinnies

Tutti and Frutti

Major and Minor

Tsing and Tsang

Taboo and Voodoo

King and Queenie

Fiesta and Siesta

Yankee and Doodle

England and Wales

Zoob and Zizz

Iggy and Ziggy

Bo and Go

Whosie and Whatsie

Humpty and Dumpty

Tisket and Tasket

Tiger and Lily

Orangelo and Lemongelo

Abra and Cadabra

Bric and Brac

Tango and Samba

Dayman and Nightman

Burger and Chips

Hugs and Kisses

Zipper and Zip-Zip

Click and Clack

Smokie and Bandit

Rollie Pollie and Ollie

Jekyll and Hyde

Holey and Moley

Scorch and Torch

Zig and Zag

Speedy and Gonzales

Tango and Cash

Helter and Skelter

Slice and Dice

Billy and Mandy

Bibbity and Boppity

Spock and Kirk

Nick and Nack

Thunder and Lightning

Bipsy and Bugsy

Mango and Tango

Sleepy and Bashful

Burger and Fries

Thunder and Lightening

Cheech and Chong

Hip and Hop

King and Kong

Scooter and Skater

Popsicle and Tails

Dumb and Dumber

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