How to Help Him Get Over His Ex
How to Help Him Get Over His Ex: Have you ever met this handsome and interesting guy that you really like, but you are wondering how to get him over his ex? For some people getting over a broken relationship can be hard and that’s why today we give tips on how to get a guy over his ex.
There are various good reasons why someone may actually hold on to someone who still holds on to his ex. It is good to understand that helping a guy get over his ex is not for the faint-hearted. It requires patience and some real love to assist that person to become a better person.
How to Help Him Get Over His Ex
Below we have looked at how to make him forget about his ex
- Let him pour his heart out
Broken relationships come with emotional bruises and for one to move on, the healing will need to from inside. To help him overcome this, let him pour his heart out and listen to him. Sharing that hurtful feeling will actually ensure he gets healed as a problem shared is half solved. As his new girlfriend be strong and learn to listen without negatively commenting on his feeling.
Pouring out his heart will also enable you to know and understand His past relationship mistakes, it will be a plus for you not to repeat the same mistakes.
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- Slowly let him get rid of her personal belonging
In a situation where they were living together and still have some of her personal belongings, it is good to let go of that stuff. Do not pressurize him but encourage him to dispose of them if he wants to move on with life. Personal belongings can be a constant reminder of his ex. Let Him make a personal decision of getting rid of her personal belongings.
- Do not be a scapegoat
In order to help him, be strong but don’t become a victim of his mistakes or her mistakes. This means that you will be there for him and support him only to the point where he is willing to let you help him. Don’t yield to negative pressure just to please him in the name of helping. This will help avoid more heartbreak in case you both chose to break up.
- In the beginning, avoid sexual intimacy
Since he still hurting avoid sex, till it’s clear to both of you what you want in the relationship. Sex rebound can happen when you engage in sex so early in the relationship. Since you are committing to helping him get over his ex, you do not want to end up as a person fixing his needs before he finds the perfect match again.
- Do not try to change him.
If you want to help him get over his ex, do not try to change who he is. There is no way you can just fix the problem overnight. People tend to heal with time and so it is expected that if he is willing to move on then just be there for him and give him the necessary support, but bear in mind that it’s his responsibility to start the healing process.
- Avoid discussions that would bring up past memories
Bringing up a conversation about his ex is not a good idea, so try to avoid it as much as possible. In case he brings up the topic about her then just listen and let him pour his heart out. At all costs avoid talking about his ex to anyone else. Maintain confidentiality about his previous personal relationships
- Be real and different
The problem with many girls, when they are trying to know how to get a guy over their ex, is that they try so much to be like the former girl. Avoid this mistake as it will make things worse and in turn, it could lead to a breakup since you will be a reminder of past experiences. Be unique and if possible bring in new experiences that will keep off his mind of what used to be.
- Just love him
Sometimes love conqueror all, for a person who has gone through a rough time, being kind may raise the hope of a better day. Be nice without expecting much in the first days, care to take care of him without much pressure, and soon your actions may eventually win him over and he will forget his ex.
- Make him see the reality of things
A practical person will not hold on to what is not there. Make him see there is no sense in holding to what is already gone. If the other person’s life is going on, then why wouldn’t theirs go on? Crying and sobbing over spilled water is not good enough. Show them the effects of holding to wrong feelings such as depression. Let them explore the possibility of having better people loving them and not just closing themselves in an emotional cage of broken love.
- Respect him
As the new woman in his life respect him for showing sign of weakness even in a world where men bury their heads in negative habits due to heartbreaks. Celebrate the positive side of him and avoid complaining of small issues. With this habit, you will be assured that soon he will be over with his ex.
- Value your relationship with him
Show him that your relationship is important to you and you are willing to make it work. Express the important things you would like to see the two of you do together. Show interest in his progress. Let him know your feelings for him and how it makes you feel when he just holds on to an ended relationship while you still cherish him.
12. Don’t bring her up
Never try to bring her ex into the conversation. Don’t try to gossip about her, or check her social media platform. She should be the last thing on your mind. This will help you not to bring up the subject and in return, your boyfriend will forget his ex-girlfriend.
If you do all these steps, for sure you will help him get over his ex.
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