How to Flirt with a Guy over Text
How to Flirt with a Guy over Text: As we look at how to flirt with a Guy over text, there are currently so many communications techniques that have developed with the current technology explosion. As a result, it is easy to find yourself flirting with a guy, for instance, flirting can occur over simple text messages that can be forwarded using one of many existing chatting platforms and messaging applications or even through social media.
The game of flirting can be interesting especially where you both like each other but it is good to be cautious so that you do it in the right way. Today we are giving guidelines that can be used whether you are flirting with a guy whom you are already dating or with a guy you are trying to know better.
Knowing how to flirt with a guy over text comes with apparent benefits which may include the following
- You can indirectly ask the hard questions without much effort as the flirting will make things easier than it could have been informal setup
- Flirting over text gives you time to think about what you’re going to respond to, hence you will appear more intelligent.
- You will definitely avoid the embarrassing moments and the guy can’t hear your tone
- In case of misunderstanding, you can always refer to his text
Understanding how to flirt with a guy over text will not only assure you that you have to do it in the right way but you will also avoid awkward moments that occur during your flirting. Eventually, you will learn about the guy, gauge his interest in you and understand his view toward life. These entire goals will be achieved easier than they would have been during your date.
For those who are flirting with a guy for the first time or for those who want to up their game below are the tips on how to flirt with a guy over text
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How to Flirt With a Guy over Text
1. Let things flow
Let things flow, in other words, flirting cannot be faked so learn how to take it easy and let things flow at their pace. Don’t misunderstand things, read or attach deep meaning to every word he says, remember you are just flirting. Sending you a simple text describing your beauty does not mean he will likely be Mr. Right or that he might propose. Flirting is the first step in a relationship, so take it lightly and just respond the simplest way you can. Don’t expect anything much from a simple talk.
2. Be mysterious.
Nothing raises curiosity than being mystical, this means that you don’t just portray your life as a simple book that someone can just read and just understand who you are in a few minutes. Have an enigmatic boldness in your message as this will motivate the guy to try and demystify who you are. Guys are always fascinated by a little mystery. This would be a good way to get him open up even before you do.
3. Don’t just respond to his text immediately
When dating a guy over text knowing when to respond to his text is very important. Sometimes rapid responses may mean you are desperate and sometimes delayed messages may mean you are a snob, hence making him lose interest in you. Very quick responses mean that you will expect the same from him. This may indicate that if he doesn’t respond to your text immediately, you will start pestering him. Girls, good advice, in this case, make him know that you are not desperate and still if you are interested in him portray it by responding to his text on time. Make good judgment; know when to respond immediately and when to wait
4. Take time before you talk about yourself.
Another tip on how to flirt with a guy over text is to know at what time you are supposed to talk about yourself. Talking about yourself all the time will kill the thrill of flirting. Ensure that you speak about your problems less and also do not be a person who complains so often. This may portray you as a nagging person and guys really dislike girls with such character. In as much as you are flirting, remember it is still communication and it should be both ways. It’s very important to ask questions about his hobbies. This will display to him that you are also attentive to him. When a girl is caring she will have a bigger chance of winning him over. It will also help you to comprehend another side of him.
5. He will also delay his reply
Since we stated that one of the tips for flirting with a guy over text is to sometimes delay your response, this will also apply on his part. He may not immediately respond to your text, so don’t get upset. He could be testing your patience, so be ready to pass the test. In the end, you will even appear to be more mature in character. On the other hand, patience is important because he could have work commitments that prevent him from answering your text immediately.
6. Don’t always be the one who starts the chat.
In most cases when you become always the first to start a conversation you may look as if you are desperate or more aggressive to pursue him. If he keeps quiet for some days do not bother him, just keep quiet too. Another important thing to remember is sometimes a guy may flirt with you and then decide to stop it without giving any sign. In such a case do not pester him, just let it go because it never went beyond flirting.
How to Flirt Over Text with a Guy Examples
Looking for ways of sending flirty texts to a guy? These Texts on how to impress a guy over text will spark your creativity and enable you to come up with unique flirty texts to send to a Guy.
The concert that you told me about will be this weekend. Are you going?
Hi, my love! Do you think you might have some free time this weekend?
What do you think about the movie?
Whom do you think will win the race?
How was your road trip?
How was the episode yesterday?
What are your plans for tomorrow?
Are you planning to go to the concert?
I have not seen you today, how are you feeling?
What is the craziest thing that you have ever told a girl?
How to Flirt Over Text with Your Boyfriend
Wondering which flirty text message to send to your boyfriend? These flirty texts for him will make your guy think about you and want more of you.
Stop, I am busy right now. Don’t make me think about you.
Do you know I have an identical twin sister?
I would love you to come over. What do you say?
Why are you pretending to be a stranger?
I can feel it, why are you dreaming about me?
Good morning! I hope you will be having a wonderful day.
Nobody understands me like you do.
Do you want some coffee this weekend?
Knowing how to flirt with a guy over text should be done with caution. The problem comes in when you give in too easily. At the beginning of this article, we stated that just because he is flirting with you doesn’t mean he will automatically be interested to go on a date. Flirting is also dangerous as people tend to flirt with several people at a time, so be careful not to let your heart be carried away by the sweet word.
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