Happy Easter Wishes, Messages & Sayings

Having a happy Easter is a good experience especially when we fully understand the importance of this season. Sending happy Easter wishes to your friends and loved ones is very important.

The Easter season is a time of love when God’s love is shown to mankind. Jesus expressed the immeasurable love of God that made His son die on the cross. The death of Jesus saved us from eternal condemnation. When we experience the love of God it becomes easy to show love to others.

There are different ways to send happy Easter wishes to your loved one. It can include sending them Easter cards, short messages, or even an email. During Easter, a simple gesture like sending an Easter card can help in showing love and improving the faith of others.

Below are some of the best happy Easter wishes you can write in a card, SMS, or email. You can also check on Happy Easter Religious Messages

Happy Easter Wishes

1. Happy Easter to you, Easter is a time when we come together to celebrate the death and resurrection of Jesus. The grace of God to us is more than we can imagine. Let’s embrace this unconditional love from our Father

2. The beauty of this season is seeing how you have embraced the Christian faith. I wish you a happy Easter, let nothing waiver you from what you believe in, for after this life we have a promise of eternal life.

3. Let’s remember the saving grace of our Lord Jesus, we were once lost and had no hope for life but He gave us a chance to regain all we had lost. Happy Easter to you.

4. Like the prodigal son we had lost our way, the mess in our life was so great that it would have taken away our life. But before all was written off, God saved us and gave us a savior to redeem us. Jesus is the reason for this Easter, Happy Easter to you.

READ:   Happy Easter Messages to My Love

5. From the beginning God’s creation has been good, but the fall of Adam brought destruction upon us. Born in sin we could not save ourselves. But this Easter we remember just how much love was given to us through Jesus. Happy Easter to you

6. This Easter stand tall and raise your head high, you may not have any reason but this: You are saved by God himself. The price paid for you by Jesus is great, Happy Easter to you

7. The importance of Easter may have been diluted over time, but the disciples witnessed the remarkable first experience of resurrection. Going to the grave and seeing it empty was a joy, the Savior has risen. This meant that for all who believed in Jesus, the resurrection was assured, Happy Easter to you

8. Easter is not a season to whine and focus on our errors; it’s not a time to get drunk and merry. It’s a time to look deep into us and understand where we stand with God, Happy Easter to you.

Read: Easter Messages for Family

Easter Wishes for Parents

Your parents have seen the worst and the best in you. As parents, they must have guided you into knowing more about God in different ways. They could have taken you to church, read you a bible story, or even prayed for you. This Easter sends happy Easter wishes to your parents and it will be of great encouragement.

Have a look at the Happy Easter Wishes to Parents

1. Happy Easter to you Mum and Dad, thank you for the love you have shown me over the years. In my heart, I know the love of God exists because you showed me your unconditional love, which made me see and believe in the Love of Jesus

2. Wish you a happy Easter; the love of God is with you during this season. You are a gift to me.

3. It is a joy for a child to have godly parents, to me you are the best. You guided me into God’s way and I can rejoice to know that our prayers are always with me. Happy Easter to you.

READ:   Easter Messages for Family - Wishes, Quotes & Greetings

4. Happy Easter to you, we have another opportunity to celebrate the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus. May we renew our faith in Him and let us find strength by remembering that even after this life we shall resurrect to live with Him forever.

5. Mum and Dad may you have the best Easter ever, Jesus died on the cross and we become overcomers. It brings joy to my heart to see that your faith in God has enabled you to overcome all the challenges you face.

6. To parents the cost of having to give your son to be a sacrifice is not easy, like Abraham it took Him love for God to have the courage to give his son. When Jesus came to die for us, it took God’s, perfect love. Let us embrace this love, Happy Easter to you

7. Mum and Dad, I am grateful for the basis on which our faith is built. That even after this life, we will have an everlasting life with God. Easter is an important time to cleanse and always prepare our souls for the second coming of Christ. Happy Easter to you.

Read: Happy Easter Wishes to a friend

Happy Easter Messages

1. Happy Easter to all the Christians, this season open your heart to God’s love. The perfect gift of God to us is Christ; it’s not wealth or fame, but the cross. Let’s all be glad

2. Happy Easter to you brethren, this Easter let’s clear our minds and fully remind ourselves of the importance of this celebration. God is good, He did everything to get us back to Him; importantly He gave us His only Son

Happy Easter Wishes Messages

3. Happy Easter to you Christians, this Easter let’s remember to choose our actions properly. The world looks at the church and sees the image of Christ. Let us learn how to seek God’s guidance in showing love to the world.

4. Easter is a joyous time for Christians, when Christ carried the cross He offered to carry the entire burden that weighs us down. The best way we can show gratitude to Him is to believe in Him and tell others about His love. Happy Easter to you brothers and sisters

READ:   Happy Easter Religious Messages

5. This Easter let us not forget that we are mere humans, whom God made from dust, but through the blood of Jesus, we are set free and saved to be called sons and daughters of God. Happy Easter

6. Christ bought the church with His blood, our Savior left His throne in heaven to come and die for our sins. He was humiliated more than we could ever imagine, just ensuring we were united back to God. What more can we rejoice in, Happy Easter

Read: Happy Easter Messages to My Love

Happy Easter Wishes Messages

Happy Easter! May God bless you abundantly!

It is indeed a special day. Wishing you sunshine and good times ahead. Happy Easter!

Happy Easter to you!

I hope your Easter is extra special. Wishing you a happy Easter!

May your Easter be as bright as you are! I wish you a happy Easter!

Happy Easter to you and your family, I hope you are having a good time together.

What a lovely day! On this special day in the whole world, I wish you a happy Easter!

Frequent Asked Questions

How do you wish someone a happy Easter?

Happy Easter! Wishing you a blessed Easter filled with love, peace, and happiness!

What is a short Easter blessing quote?

During this season of renewal, may your faith be rejuvenated, and may Easter infuse your heart with fresh hope. Wishing your Easter is radiant with the joy and hopefulness of our resurrected Savior.

What greeting is used for Easter?

A common greeting that is used for Easter is “Happy Easter!”

What is a positive quote about Easter?

Easter brings out the beauty of a new life.

Is it OK to wish someone a blessed Easter?

Yes, it’s perfectly appropriate fine to someone a blessed Easter.

What do Christians say instead of Happy Easter?

Christians may use the phrase “Christ is risen!” as an alternative greeting during the Easter season.

How do you say Happy Easter on social media?

May your Easter be filled with love, hope, and the warmth of family and friends. Wishing you a blessed and joyful Easter celebration!

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