Haitian Quotes in Creole
Haitian Quotes in Creole: There are so many Haitian Quotes, phrases, sayings, and proverbs. Haitian Creole quotes can be used anywhere in the world.
Today we are going to look at a collection of the best Haitian Quotes in Creole
Haitian Quotes in Creole
Bel dan pa di zanmi. – Just because someone is smiling at you does not mean they are your friend.
Santi bon koute che. – Smelling good is expensive.
Avan ou monte bwa, gade si ou ka desann li – Make sure you know the details before committing to a new project.
Sa pòv genyen se li l pote nan mache – This saying implies that you should offer what you have to others and also that you should be content with what you have.
Sa nou bay pòv se Bondye nou prete l – A good action will always be rewarded.
Sa ki pa touye ou, li angrese ou – Every failure is an opportunity to become stronger.
Bel anteman pa di paradi. – A beautiful funeral does not guarantee heaven.
Fanm pou you tan, manman pou tout tan. – Wife for a time, mother for all time.
Kreyol pale, kreyol komprann. – Speak plainly, do not try to deceive.
Bondye fe san di. – God acts and does not talk.
Dye mon, gen mon. – Beyond the mountains, more mountains.
Bondye Bon. – God is good.
Manman pa janm mode pitit li jouk nan zo. – A mother never bites her child to the bone.
Konstitisyon se papie, bayonet se fe. – The constitution is paper, bayonets are steel.
Sonje lapli ki leve mayi ou. – Remember the rain that made your corn grow.
Pal franse pa di lespri pou sa. – Speaking French doesn’t mean you are smart.
Bourik swe pou chwal dekore ak dentel –
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Makak pa janm kwe petit-li led. – A monkey never thinks her baby’s ugly.
Milat pov se neg, eg rich se milat. – A poor mulatto is black, and a wealthy black is mulatto.
Mapou mouri, kabrit manje fey li. – When the mapou (oak-like tree) dies, goats would eat its leaves.
Neg di san fe. – People talk and don’t act.
Moun pa se dra. – A protector is like a cloak.
Nan tan grangou patat pa gen po. – In times of famine, sweet potatoes have no skin.
Ou konn kouri, ou pa konn kache. – You know how to run, but you don’t know how to hide.
Pise gaye pa kimen. – Spread piss doesn’t foam.
Piti, piti, wazo fe nich li. – Little by little the bird builds its nest.
Ti chen gen fos devan kay met li. – A little dog is really brave in front of his master’s house.
Rache manyok bay te a blanch. – Uproot the manioc, and clear the land.
Ti moun fwonte grandi devan baron. – An impudent child grows up under Baron’s eyes.
Sa ki pa touye ou, li angrese ou. – That which doesn’t kill you makes you fat.
Sak vid pa kanp. – An empty sack can’t stand up.
Ravet pa janm gen rezon devan poul. – Roaches are never right when facing chickens.
Se nan chimen jennen yo kenbe chwal malen. – If you want to catch a wild horse, find a tight corral.
Sel pa vante tèt li di li sale. – Salt doesn’t boast that it is salted.
Twou manti pa fon – You don’t have to look far for the truth to be revealed.
Se bon kè krapo ki fè l san tèt. – It is because the toad is too kindhearted that he has no intelligence.
Si travay te bon bagay, moun rich la pran-l lontan. – If work were a good thing the rich would have grabbed it a long time ago.
Tanbou prete pa janm fè bon dans. – A borrowed drum never makes good dancing.
Se rat kay k ap manje kay – When looking for a culprit, he is often around us or near us.
Kay koule twonpe solèy, men li pa twonpe lapli – A person’s mistakes will be exposed sooner or later