Fake Friends Quotes
Quotes about fake friends: Friends are important in our life; some stick with us forever. No matter the challenges in life there are always there for us. Some friends come and go.
Sometimes knowing a true friend might be a challenge until something happens. Some pretend to be our friends but in the real sense, they want something from us. When we are faced with problems they behave like they don’t know us.
Some friends will always backstab you, cause drama, and are very disloyal. The friends that we put our hopes and count on are the ones that treat us like we were never friends, but the ones that we least expected are the ones that come to our aid.
Today we are going to look at fake friend quotes. At one time in life, you have had or seen fake people. If not believe me they are on the way. Enjoy these amazing quotes for fake friends.
Fake Friends Quotes
You are the friend who comes by when everything is smooth and runs away when things have hit a dead end.
You don’t have to please every friend you have, some pretend to be friends but are fake friends.
You are a fair-weather friend, you only hang out when there is happiness, but too shy to be there for me when things are going south.
When you find a real deal, no more fakes, you only handle genuine friends.
The hardest thing in friendship is knowing the friends whom you thought were your friends are fake friends
A friend is not a person who wants to be with you when things are great but runs away when things are a mess.
True friends are always happy with your dreams; they are always there to help you achieve them, but fake friends will always try to bring you down.
Whatever the fake friends say, does not define you. It defines them.
It is always very hard to find real friends.
You can know your true friends when you deny their demands from you. True friends will accept your decision but fake friends won’t.
Fake friends tend to keep your friendship private; they will not want to introduce you to other friends as they fear being exposed.
Fake friends will pretend to be with you today but against you the following day.
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Good Quotes About Fake Friends
Fake friends are more like shadows, they only follow when the sun is bright but leave you when it gets dark.
Share your struggles, mistakes, and battles you are facing in life, true friends will stand with you, but fake friends will not.
Fake friends will always tell you what you want to hear, but in the real sense, they are not helping you even if you are on the wrong side.
Life is a great teacher; it makes you realize not all your friends are your friends
When fake friends stop talking to you, the next thing they start is to talk about you.
A true friend will always be more concerned about your life than a fake friend who will try to show you life is full of problems.
The best time to know who your friends are is when something bad happens in your life. It’s time to get to know who your real friends are.
Tired of having so many friends who pretend to be your friend but are fake, find only one who is a true friend.
Fake friends will always throw you under the bus and still blame you for not being careful.
It is better to be alone than with fake friends.
It’s funny when you are so nice to me when we are together, but behind my back, you talk ill of me. Don’t think I am not aware of everything.
I have not lost any friends; I only realized they were not worth being friends.
You can choose to go that extra mile to help your friend out but fake friends will never do the same for you. They are always happy to stay in their comfort zone.
The truth always hurts; fake friends will better see you die than protect you. They are more concerned about themselves and not you.
Fake friends who talk behind your back don’t deserve your friendship
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About Fake Friends Quotes
Don’t be bothered by losing some friends, they were never meant to be true friends.
Everywhere you turn, you will always meet fake friends who want to take every opportunity they find in you.
You will always know who your true friends are when shitty things happen.
Don’t fear the enemy that attacks you when you can see, but a fake friend who pretends to share the love with you.
When your life goes south fake friends will not stand with you.
When you lose everything, fake friends will run away
Quotes About Fake People
Some people are like pennies, very worthless. They are fake people who cannot help you in any way.
Not everyone who hangs around you is a good person, people do pretend. When a real-life situation faces you, the fake people are always exposed.
A real-life situation will always expose fake people.
Many people will always want you to have a better life, but not better than them.
Fake people are like parasites, they are always near you at your best moments in life, but nowhere to be seen when you are faced with problems.
The most annoying thing is when you trust someone so much but they always mislead you.
Someone who pretends to be happy with you too much sometimes can stab you in the back.
If you are not real and royal, please leave now for I don’t want fake people in my life.
Fake friends are always against your ideas; they always want you to be like them.
Some people will pretend to be nice to you once you make it in life.
Fake Friends Quotes for Instagram
Be true to your friends just the way you want them to be true to you. Don’t expect them to be true to you while you are not. Remember fake attracts fake.
Some people are true to their word but others are fake people
A false friend will only pretend to like you only when they need you.
When you need help, fake friends will be unsupportive.
Fake friends will always liaise with your enemy. Never trust someone who is friends with your enemy.
It’s better to be alone than to have no real friends.
It is better to cut your ties with fake friends than be with them for life.
Friends switching from one friend to another are not to be trusted.
Friends who are fake can always be known from the word go.
A false friend will always pretend to be there for you, only to disappear when you need their help.
Quotes About Fake Friends and Moving On
Some friends are just worthless. Move on with your life.
Fake friends will always follow you, when trouble comes they run away.
When you have nothing to offer, your friends will leave you. That’s a sign of fake friends.
If you want to love yourself, let toxic friends in your life go.
If you are shining false friends will always throw shade at you.
You get more friends in your life when you let the fake friends go away.
You will never find true friends if you are still holding fake ones.
Frequent Asked Questions
What is the best caption for fake friends?
Surround yourself with friends who uplift your spirit and not those who pretend to be your friend when it suits them.
What is a quote for bad friend?
Sometimes the friends we thought would hold our hands and be there for us are the ones who stub our backs. Choose your friends wisely; not everyone deserves to be your friend.
What is a deep quote about fake people?
There’s nothing like a fake friend, it is just a friend who is good at pretending to be your friend.