Broken Heart Quotes and Messages
Broken Heart Quotes and Messages: In any relationship, heartbreaks are bound to happen and when it happens you feel heartbroken. This is because letting go of someone you love so much is not an easy task. This is someone you have known, loved, and who makes your world. When they decide to leave, you are left heartbroken.
No one ever said heartbreaks are easy to take in. It’s one of the most painful experiences in life. When your heart is broken, you feel like it’s the end of the world. Without that person in your life, you feel like you are no longer living. You feel empty.
When you feel your heart is broken, you can find encouraging quotes to take ease your pain. Below you will find broken heart messages and quotes for him or her.
You can share these heartbroken text messages with someone you know who is going through a rough time due to a broken heart. These broken heart messages will help the soul heal and make one feel better.
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Broken Heart Quotes
It’s time to try new things in life, I can’t hold onto what will never be mine, I gave you everything only to leave me heartbroken.
I feel heartbroken, I thought I had my dreams come true, only to be left broken.
The time I gave love a chance, I was left heartbroken, I don’t think I will ever fall in love.
I feel crushed and my world has come to an end. When I gave love my all, I ended up being heartbroken. I don’t know if I will ever love again.
I hope I will soon forget everything about you; you were my world, everything I ever dreamed of. I gave you my heart, but you returned it broken.
I don’t think I will ever have a love interest, you were my all and I will never love as I did.
I really can’t stand it; I’m heartbroken! I had never imagined a life without you. I don’t think I will ever love anyone else the way I loved you.
How I wish I was still like a little girl because bruised skin is easier to heal than a broken heart.
Read: Break Up Quotes for Her
Broken Heart Messages
It is so painful when you see someone you love so much walk out of your life. You feel lost; it’s like the world is after you and wants you destroyed. I feel it right now, I am deeply heartbroken.
The pain of living without someone you love is unbearable. I wish you loved me just the way I loved you.
It hurts to love someone so much, only for that person to turn on you and leave you heartbroken.
It is heartbreaking when what means the world to you just vanishes. Your joy and happiness are no more, only left with a heartbreak that will take ages to fix.
When your heart is broken, nothing matters to you. Your world is all gone.
When your heart is broken, you need to be strong. That’s not the end of the world. A better person is on the way.
I still cannot believe the person to whom I gave my heart broke it. The pain I feel inside is just unbearable. I don’t think I will love anyone as I loved you as my heart still belongs to you.
My tears are almost dry, every single day I cry hoping you will come back, but I have realized you are gone forever. Though it hurts, I know I will get better.
I have cried many times hoping I will see you again, though I have a broken heart, I know one day I will heal and forget about you.
No matter how hard I try, I cannot forget the moments we shared, the memories, the jokes, and the laughter. Even if my heart is hurt, I still remember you, my love.
I never knew you complete me until I gave you my heart and you made heartbreak out of it.
You left me with nothing; you stole my heart and broke it. Now I am confused for I don’t know what to do as you returned a broken heart.
I am trying so hard not to think about you, but I find myself doing so, even if you broke my heart.
You were my first boyfriend, you were my happiness, you were my joy, and when I looked at you, you were my dreams. Right now, I am scared, it hurts knowing someone you love so dear is leaving for another. My heart is broken.
I never knew I would feel empty without you in my life until you left.
I was wrong when I said I have moved on, though you hurt me, my thoughts are still filled with you.
Heartbreak is something that hurts deep inside your heart, all you feel is sad about your broken heart. That’s what I feel.
My happiness has become sadness, and when I am not sad I feel lost, you broke my heart and I need to find a way to mend my heart.
The feeling that I get when I see you is just unexplainable and yet I cannot have you in my life.
I used to believe the worst thing in life is not getting someone to love you. But I have come to know the worst thing is your heart is broken by someone you love so much.
I am happy to be strong, you have cheated and broken my heart, but I know I will get over it.
I don’t understand why destiny made us meet and yet we never ended up together.
I wish you loved me the way I loved you, things would have been different, and I would have had a time getting over you.
I was blind because of love, now I see because my heart is broken.
It is painful to love someone who does not even care and love you.
Read: Letting Go and Moving On Quotes
Broken Heart Messages for Him
Whenever I see couples together, I think of our love and feel the pain of you walking away. I know I will heal from this pain you caused my heart.
I don’t know why I am giving myself hope that you will come back to me, yet you hurt me so much. You left my heart in pieces.
I loved you so much; I thought you loved me too. It turns out you never loved me, I am still wondering what happened between us. I still love you.
My dreams were slowly coming true, but they were shattered when you broke my heart.
As much as I try, I cannot hide this feeling, it’s so painful watching you walk away.
I was very faithful; I gave you all my heart but looks like you were not interested in it. You broke my heart.
I tried my best to be the perfect girlfriend, but you threw all that by breaking my heart.
Broken Heart SMS for Boyfriend
You hurt me so much, I never want anything to do with you, I want to heal from this heartbreak.
I was your dream, your one and only, but you chose to be someone else’s dream. I am heartbroken and in pain.
Let me do my things and you do yours. That is how you made your decision. I never want anything to do with you. I’m heartbroken.
I am the kind of person who will never accept an apology, you walked away and there is no way I will open the door for you. You broke my heart for no reason.
There is no remedy for heartbreak but to love more
I opened my heart for you, but what I received is pain.
Broken Heart Message for Her
You came into my heart, gave me hope and a reason to live, and then you left and made my heart empty. I am still searching for her.
I am crushed and heartbroken, but I am trying my best to overcome the hurt.
This heartbreak has made my heart wiser; I believe things will get better with me.
A beautiful star came into my life, shone it, and suddenly switched the light. Now I am left in darkness and pain.
My life was full of joy and happiness, and now it’s blank all because of you. You broke my heart.
Broken Heart Message for Boyfriend
Though you have broken my heart, you have made me even stronger. I know I will find someone who loves me dearly.
You leaving and leaving me here does not mean I will not move on, though you hurt my heart. I still love you.
A heartbreak opens a new chapter in our lives, now I realize I had settled for less. I am worth more than I had imagined.
The only thing you were good at was crushing my heart. Now I am left with broken pieces that need mending.
I am so happy to see you in my dreams, but in reality, we do not even connect because you broke my heart.
When I don’t talk to you, it’s not that I don’t care; you pushed me away and broke my heart.
My heart has been shattered and broken into small pieces. But I thank God he has given me the strength to overcome the pain.
Broken Heart SMS for Girlfriend
The worst feeling in this world is when people shatter your dreams; and make you feel lonely and unwanted in life. You have broken my heart.
A life without you is like I am not even breathing, it’s not even life. You will be happy while I am drowning in pain and tears.
You were my first, I never thought you would ever leave, you broke my heart, but I know my pain will end.
I’d rather stay single than have my heart broken. Every time we mend our hearts, you still break them.
It was best for all of us to part ways, I know I will heal and have a new life. This was a lesson for better things in life.
The hurt has just made me much stronger.
Inspirational Message for a Broken Heart
I still think of you, hoping one day you will come back to me even if you broke my heart.
Hearts can break, it’s always better if we stop existing when it’s broken so that we don’t feel the pain.
Lovers will come and go, some are going to break your heart, and you must not give up on finding your soul mate.
There are things in life we never wish to happen, but once they happen we must accept the situation. One of them is heartbreak.
There is a day you are going to remember me, how much I adored you, and you will wish you never let go.
A broken heart is sometimes necessary so that when you find real love, you will love completely.
Just because it did not work out, it does not mean you will never find love, keep on searching and someone better will be on your way.
There are things we can’t live without but we have to accept the situation and move on. When your heart is broken, cry, and heal. Don’t hold onto what will never be yours.
When you are heartbroken, don’t cry for long, as you may not see what is on the way. You might miss the healing process.
To be rejected does not mean it’s the end of everything; you are not the first to be heartbroken. Pick up the pieces and move on with life.
Sometimes, it takes heartbreak to bring us into reality. Things are not the way we see them.
Final Thought
Searching for Broken heart SMS for boyfriend or broken heart SMS for girlfriend? These messages will motivate you and help you to focus on yourself and move on with life. You can also post these quotes on your status or timeline on Facebook.