Being Hurt Quotes and Sayings
Being hurt quotes: Life is not always smooth as we might think; there are times we are let down. The hurt is deep in our hearts. As much as we try to hide the feelings it really never goes away. When you keep the hurt inside your heart, it might even lead you to depression.
When someone you love hurts you, it’s good to let the feeling go. No one can help you end that deep hurting feeling, except yourself. It is good to confront that deep hurt feeling.
The earlier you start the healing process the better. These being hurt quotes will guide you through, you can share them.
Being Hurt Quotes
There are days you are let down, and you feel like you are broken, but I know you are strong. No matter how much you feel hurt, be strong.
Some people just speak to hurt others; their actions are aimed at hurting other people. Don’t take their words seriously.
Being hurt is not only physical; it can be mental hurt that someone has caused you.
Don’t be scared of getting hurt; learn how to deal with the hurt.
It might take years for you to realize how other people’s words hurt you and even longer to know how their actions have hurt you.
Don’t let the hurt torture you, speak it out and the burden will be reduced.
When you fully give your heart to someone who doesn’t deserve your heart, chances are they are going to hurt you.
There are times you feel full of hate and bitterness towards others for no reason. It shows you have been hurt. You have to let it go.
The worst thing about being hurt is when you get used to it to a point where you say it’s normal.
What pains me most is when you say that I was not good enough for you.
Don’t waste your feelings on someone who does not value you. They will end up hurting you.
Do not pretend that you care so much when you had the chance you hurt me.
When you feel hurt, the best thing you can do is to acknowledge it. Don’t act as if everything is normal.
Don’t act as if you care. If you really care, you would not have done what you did to hurt me.
If you know you cannot keep your promise, the best thing you should do is not to hurt them.
When you have one of the best hearts, it means you can end up being hurt the most. Therefore you should always protect your good heart.
If you worry about getting into a relationship and being hurt, then you might end up staying single forever.
I know it hurts so much, you don’t want to talk about it, but you have to talk if you want to heal.
The truth hurts but a lie can hurt you forever.
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Quotes About People Hurting You
Everybody you meet is not your friend, just because you met them does not mean they want the best for you.
One way or another, everybody is likely to hurt you, you have to find those who you are worth suffering for.
If someone wants to hurt you, nothing will ever stop them; they will always find a way to hurt you. Live your life; don’t worry about what you cannot prevent.
You have to stop someone from hurting you when you see the probability is high.
Nobody can hurt you without your permission.
Hurting someone should be the last thing on your mind because what you do unto others will finally come back to you.
If you are hurt, always go to the person who understands you best, and know they will never let your secret out.
Being hurt is normal, when it happens, breathe in and let the wound heal as fast as possible.
Don’t let the hurt consume you.
It hurts when you are separated from someone you love so much because you love them so much.
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When Someone Hurts You Quotes
You never know what you are made of until someone hurts you.
It hurts so much to love someone whom you will never have.
It is normal to feel hate as someone hurts you. You need to acknowledge it and let it go.
When you want to know the extent to which someone hurt you, just watch your reactions.
Your heart is strong, no one should hurt it, and that’s why you should not give it to anyone you meet.
You are so special, no one should play with you, let alone hurt you.
The heart is very fragile; you need to build a shield to protect it. Not every hurt should leave you in pieces.
A hurt will always leave a hole and pain in your heart, the fear in you will make you want nothing related to love. All you need is to think about your happiness, your future, and what you want in life. Leave all the hurt behind and start a new life.
Make it hard for one to just walk in and out of your life. If you make it easy, you will always be left hurt
When you have been hurt and you keep quiet, the hurt will only make you turn to the wrong people.
Getting Hurt Quotes
It hurts when I see you walk away, the future was so bright, only you know where I went wrong.
No matter how much I try not to be hurt, in the end, I know someone will hurt me.
Do not let the hurt inflicted by other people get into your heart, you can only do this by letting go and being easy with life.
When someone you dearly love decides to walk away, you feel your world has crumbled. You cannot bear the hurt. The love ceases to exist.
I never thought this would happen to me, when he said it was over, I felt so weak and hurt.
People don’t just come from anywhere and hurt you, it is usually, as a result, they no longer have the human in them, their souls and hearts are already darkened.
If you learn how to forgive the people who hurt you, you will live a very happy life.
If you are tired of getting hurt, don’t let it happen
Don’t be afraid to admit when you are hurt, it’s not a weakness, it’s a way of healing.
Also Read: I Am Sorry For Hurting You Quotes
Hurt Messages
It doesn’t matter who hurt you, what matters is who made you happy.
You will never know how powerful you are until someone deeply hurts you.
Sometimes you might see me angry, it’s not that I am angry, but I am hurt by love.
You know how much it hurts me but you keep on repeating it.
You hurt me so deeply, that I don’t know if I will ever recover from it.
If they keep hurting you, the best thing you can do is to leave, if you stay, they will hurt you more.
It is very sad and disappointing when someone you dearly love hurts you.
The worst thing that can ever happen to you is being hurt by someone close to you.
The person who hurt you doesn’t need a second chance.
Have you ever been hurt, when you are almost healing, you are hurt again, over and over again?
It hurts so much for someone your love and trust hurts you.
When you have feelings for someone, you should not fear getting hurt. Love is about taking risks.
When someone you love is hurting you, you feel like the world is against you.
You don’t know how much it hurts me to see you that way.
When your loved ones hurt you, you feel like you have no one to turn to.
No matter how much you are hurt, you will always heal.
It hurts to see someone you love loves someone else.
It hurts inside when you realize someone you loved so much didn’t love you.
I loved you but you hurt me so much.
When you love someone so much it hurts to see them suffer.
It still hurts, when you know you did your best but still failed.
Going alone is better than going with people who hurt you.
When people hurt you, it’s better to stay away from them.
There is nothing as bad as when you get hurt so much to the point where you get used to it.
If I ever hurt you, today I come asking for forgiveness.
No matter how good you are, people will hurt you.
You are in a relationship to be happy, but not to be constantly hurt and made to cry.
The worst thing you can do is hurt someone’s feelings repeatedly.
Don’t hurt people’s feelings just let it go away.